More Than Purpose,

Deeper than Empowerment.

Find Your Mythic SELF

Starting September 23

Get off the healing treadmill…

…and onto a path of meaning and aliveness!

This is a project, an idea, and a direction we can go to find Self, together.

You don’t need to heal…at least that isn’t the greatest need for most people.

You can do yoga, breathwork, meditations, vibration, medicine, and magic. It’s all great. It's not enough. No healing modality or practice is going to, ultimately, buy you freedom, aliveness, and peace.

The way I see it there is only one path.  You are it. You are your practice, religion, book, and guru. 

So the only real journey is to reveal yourself, to yourself, and existence.

I call this “Personal Myth” but that hides a bit of its universal importance.  This is your story, your flow of energy and life and conscious holding, working itself into expression and embodiment. 

Our myths govern our energy, and turn off and on the energies that can create wellness and meaning. Good personal myth leads to not only being healed but also becoming a Healer. If we do this together as a society, it leads to peace and harmony. 

Most of our mythic sense of ourselves was hijacked at birth.  We were told who we were and how to be. For most of our lives people haven’t been seeing us and helping us find our best expression, they have been “helping” us fit into the larger societal myths, which are largely sick and no longer serve humanity in general.  They are downright traumatizing and have traumatized most of the last 3 generations. 

So what does it look like to find and live your myth?  I see this as the essential burgeoning skill of humans as a species. Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung saw personal myth as the new way for individuals to find meaning and understanding. It's also how we can learn to work together and bridge the growing nasty polarities ripping up our world. 

The myth reclamation project attempts to practice self as a path and discipline. It's a deep dive into your being to find and bring out the greatest and best that you are.

This isn’t a journey for the faint of heart, but I think it's the only journey worth taking. You may be surprised at what you find, and it might be difficult to face. Our mythic, soul-connected self won’t let us live anything but what is deep and true. You might have to let some things go. It will be worth it.

Underneath what you have known, and the programming and bullshit foisted on you,

There is your essential self, full of energy, life, meaning, power, and fullness.

In this project you will learn:

How to access the deeper structures of self to create a sense of well-being and unleash your creative potential.

To access your essential patterns and create wholeness instead of a toxic healing treadmill.

To gain a sense of myth and the mythic inside yourself.

To live in the unlimited realm of imagination without losing your sense of reality. 

How to access your witness consciousness to hack into and work from your mythic self. 

How to bring the power of myth into your life, fully replacing old myths that you may be still living out at a subconscious level. 

How seeing life from the perspective of energy can free up latent sources of power and fullness. 

This project is great for those who:

  • Live with a general sense of dread or anxiety, and want clarity and fulfillment.

  • Are in a general spiritual awakening or kundalini activation and feel the need to make meaning out of the mess.

  • Have left religion or a structured worldview and are looking for how to make meaning and keep, replace, or create a sense of purpose without the dogma and shame. 

  • Have been “healing” or constantly “processing” yet feeling like they haven’t gotten anywhere.

I can’t guarantee that this project will solve all of your issues, or “make you happier”, or that you will get rich.

I do promise that you will discover yourself in a deeper, meaningful way.

It won’t make your problems go away, or it might, but your problems will be put into perspective. 

My own experience as I have dug into several rounds of finding my true, mythic self, is that my life feels richer, like I am finally encountering what matters. I am hitting the veins that, as I continue, contain the mother lode of my own gold.  

Myth Reclamation Project Structure

Time Commitments

  • Weekly 2-hour call.

  • Daily group Practice room (15 Min)

  • Marco Polo Check-ins daily

  • Marco Polo pods (small group support)

  • Daily personal ritual/practice

  • Weekly reading/listening (1 hr per week)

  • One nature connection experience per week (optional and recommended)

Total time commitment per day about 1 hour (except on meeting days)

All calls/rooms will be recorded. Of course, you can spend more time on practice and study. 

What is offered:

  • Weekly 2-hour group Zoom support

  • Daily Marco Polo accountability and support check-ins

  • Personal Practice/Ritual Creation Meeting 1:1

  • Learning how to work with a group/community field

  • Discounted private coaching and healing 

  • Opportunities for group fasting, rituals, and land/nature experiences 

  • The fun of experimenting with a variety of ideas, resources, myths, and practices in a playful non-dogmatic way to create your own.

Project structure may change as needs and preferences arise and are seen. In-person gatherings are also possible depending on where you are geographically etc. 

For this project, commitment is required, and also we value your skills, wisdom, experience, and general human being. This is a project instead of a class because we are “in it” too. There will be elements of teaching, guiding, and space holding, but we envision a participatory and inclusive group of people who are helped by helping. 


97 dollars is the buy-in fee per month. Initially, we envision a 2-month process, but it might continue in some form if that is desired. We feel like this experience is, actually, priceless

Weekly offerings are required: This can be: Money (any donation), service to others\community, extraordinary self-care, devotional practice. Etc. We want you to report on your weekly offerings. If it’s money to the container you wish to offer to help us do this work, we are honored and suggest 100 dollars per week, though any amount to your means is appreciated.