Narcissism As A Spiritual Path:

Making Peace with Your pain and Your Power

Welcome to Narcissism As A Spiritual Path: Making Peace With your Pain and your Power. This course is designed to help you understand and harness the power of your innate grandiosity, learn to attune to yourself and others, and move beyond unhealthy power dynamics that keep you stuck in painful relationship cycles and manipulative behaviors.

Ready For A New Approach?

If the current rhetoric is leaving you feeling confused, disempowered, or stuck in blame and victim mindset, you’re not alone!

What if there’s more to the narcissism/caretaker spectrum than definitions and finger-pointing? Is there a way to heal from narcissistic abuse and the trauma patterns that surround it?


We created this course so you can work with your own inner grandiosity and see where it shows up on the spectrum, what kinds of patterns it creates when it is unattuned, and how to heal these patterns. When you do, you get to USE your Divine Power to create harmony, connection, and joy for yourself and others! You will find more love and understanding for yourself and those you love as you work with this gentle but direct approach that shows you how to work WITH this challenging dynamic that seems to be affecting so many.

What you will find is an increase of personal responsibility, energy, and resource that helps you interact with life in a more conscious and heart-centered way.

What to Expect:

6 modules plus healing session!
  • Intro: Building Your Cup

    This intro model on Initiation will help you understand the stages of initiation and how to prepare for any important learning experience.

  • Embracing Grandiosity

    In Module 1, we'll dive into the concept of Grandiosity and explore how it's not the problem, but rather our avoidance of it or identification with it. We'll help you find where this energy might be hiding in your institutions, relationships, and self, and show you how to open a pathway to safe expression of your highest potential.

  • The Power of Attunement

    In Module 2, we'll cover the importance of Attunement and how it relates to your existential tension. We'll discuss how we are born into a basic frustration of having BIG energy trying to express in a LITTLE body, and how our response to this frustration can shape our lives.

  • From Control to Connection

    Module 3 is all about The Narcissist Meme. We'll explore why unhealthy power dynamics are so prevalent in our culture and what's on the other side of the classic narcissist relationship. We'll also discuss how to honor the very real pain and abuse we experience while also finding where our own responsibility and power lies.

  • Reclaiming Your Innocence and Power

    In Module 4, we'll show you What Else Is Possible. We'll provide a gentle model on how we leave bits of your pain with every overwhelming experience and how to call back the power that you've lost. We us an analogy of bringing your puppies home and releasing other puppies back to their owners as a playful way to begin the journey of honoring your experiences while claiming responsibility for what is yours.

  • Transforming Trauma

    Our Integration module includes a Process Healing Method Session guided by Stevan Barfuss. This gentle and compassionate subconscious healing modality gives you the opportunity to re-orient your trauma parts in a harmonious way to what you have learned and how you want to be moving forward. We’ll cover ways you can practice and make these teachings part of every day life.

Just Because your trauma patterns are socially acceptable does not mean they aren’t manipulative.

Take off the masks of projection and control and learn to find real connection and freedom!

Purchase Today For Lifetime Access to this dynamic experience!

Narcissism As A Spiritual Path
One time

✓ 4 Videos
✓ Bonus Module on Initiation
✓ Healing and Integration Session
✓ Workbook with bonus content and Assignments